Psychometrics & Career Testing

Psychometrics is the branch of psychology that deals with the design, administration, and interpretation of quantitative tests for the measurement of psychological variables such as intelligence, aptitude, and personality traits.

Psychometric tests measure :

  • How well you work with other people
  • How well you handle stress
  • Whether you will be able to cope with the intellectual demands of the job
  • Your personality, preferences and abilities
  • Best match of individual to occupation and working environment

Psychometric tests are used for :

  • Prediction of life
  • To find out intellectual level
  • To know interest areas
  • Choosing right educational/vocational path
  • Choosing right career path
  • As a part of employee selection process
  • Team building
  • To diagnose mental disorder

We conduct following tests

  • IQ & EQ Testing

  • Aptitude Test

  • Psychometric Test

  • Personality Test

  • Home & School Adjustment Test